At Stacy Babbitt Therapy the goal is to help you overcome obstacles that significantly impact your life. Stacy will systematically tailor the treatment and evaluation to your unique needs in order to achieve optimal results. After meeting with you and evaluating your current struggles, Stacy will make an individualized treatment plan. Below are a few of the treatment methods that are most often used. Please contact us to discuss your concerns and determine if psychotherapy with Stacy Babbitt Therapy is the right match for you.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy refers to a type of therapy that focuses on patterns of thinking, behavior, and responses that contribute to life distress or dissatisfaction.  In CBT, clients learn techniques to recognize and change these patterns, leading to improved functioning.  CBT is an evidence-based treatment for a wide variety of problems including anxiety, specific phobias, compulsive behaviors, and depression. Between weekly individual sessions, many clients practice skills learned in session through homework exercises.  Practice of the skills increases the likelihood that they will generalize to life outside of therapy and remain useful after treatment has ended.

Exposure Therapy

Exposure therapy is a form of behavior therapy that is effective in treating phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorders. As its name suggests, supported exposure therapy involves gradual exposure of clients to anxiety-provoking stimuli, situations or objects. Stacy will accompany a client into the feared situation, either physically or in imagination, in small, graded steps, while teaching them how to manage and tolerate anxious feelings. The key to successful treatment is that the client determines the rate of exposure, so that anxiety never becomes overwhelming. In treating OCD, a variant of supported exposure therapy called exposure with response prevention can be very helpful. Here the client is exposed, in gradual steps, to the specific stimuli that cause distress and is taught how to resist engaging in the compulsive rituals that have previously been used to reduce anxiety; with practice, the strength of the compulsion is decreased and often eliminated.


TF-CBT is an evidence-based treatment to help individuals recover after trauma. Although TF-CBT is highly effective at treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms, it is not necessary to have a PTSD Diagnosis. TF-CBT helps individuals increase their ability to identify and control emotions, gain control over specific symptoms by using relaxation and grounding techniques, modify thoughts that have been impacted by trauma and are keeping someone stuck, and increase positivity and hope for the future. TF-CBT will help individuals improve relationships and strengthen a sense of safety in the world. This treatment includes gradual exposure to the traumatic incident through writing a narrative, which helps maintain symptom reduction and enhances well-being.